Continuous Improvement – The New Normal

June 10, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Continuous Improvement—The New Normal
FCMA is excited to announce a second offering of our Continuous Improvement—The New Normal training program, developed in collaboration with the Jacksonville Lean Consortium (“LeanJax”).
Classes start June 10.

Feedback from our first class was very favorable:
• Thank you for a great class! Lean Thinking’s “blame the process, not the people” mindset resonates with me. I learned that focusing on eliminating waste, work place organization, and visual standard work are the answer to the question: “We want to do it (Lean) but how do I get started?”
• This certification has opened my eyes up a lot and seeing things in a different way. I will continue to work with my team on improvement and see what other changes we can get implemented in the near future.”

The program is designed to provide tools, methodologies, and systems for changing and improving the way your employees do work, and will focus on basic continuous improvement and lean manufacturing principles, tools and methodologies using six interactive modules. Read more here and register here.